Tuesday 4 October 2016


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Art of the Title 1: Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015)

 The genre of Mission Impossible Rogue Nation is a spy movie which caters to younger audiences and middle aged males. The credits in the opening sequence are presented with explosions to make the names seem more dramatic, the orange sparks and flames come from the fuse which is burning which may run out once the film starts and also represents that someone might be running out of time. The production company is one of the big six of Hollywood, Paramount Pictures. The colours are mostly orange to represent fire and excitement and the overall mise-en-scene contains many gadgets and spy equipment. There is combat in the opening in small clips and right at the start we see the heroic protagonist being pulled out of a plane on a giant cargo pallet where he will fall for thousands of feet. Some of the gadgets include high tech contact lenses, guns and computers. The classic mission impossible theme tune is in the movie opening as always which is a fast paced song which moves as fast as the cuts in the movie. All of the main characters are shown in action either, using a spy gadget or in combat, the villainous antagonist is shown with a gun pointed with an angry face, which is how I know he is the antagonist.