4 who is YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE for your film?

Who is my Target Audience: Action Steps

  1.  Who is my primary target audience? Our target audience would be British males and females, between the ages of 16-35 who love thrillers and crime drama                                                                                                       
  2. What makes my film stand out from the competition? Our film is about a police officer, who regularly accuses teenagers of committing crimes even if they are innocent. He then finds himself in a situation where he has committed a crime and contradicts himself.                                 
  3. Why should my target audience watch my film? Many media outlets like, Total Film and Empire have given reviews such as: Most accurate crime thriller of today's society, fans of Sicario would love this!

It is important for me to define my target audience for my Media product which will all me to create a profile of my ideal audience member, as well as being useful when I create my marketing strategy.

Audiences can be defined using different methods:

Audiences can be segmented and defined by their GEARS
Region / nationality
Socio-economic group

Here is the outline of my target audience for my media product Contradiction:

I have made a profile based on one of NMEs audience profiles. I also created my own Audience profile for our media product.
Image result for nme audience profile

Age Group: 16-35

Gender: Male and Female

They are likely to watch TV programmes such asSherlock and Breaking Bad

They are likely to watch movies at the cinema like: The Accountant and the Fast and Furious franchise

In their free time they are likely to visit different social media websites like: Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well as visiting websites like YouTube. They are also likely to play video games and download movies online.

They would eat at places like: Pizza Express, Nandos, Subway or Burger King

They would purchase clothing at shops like: River Island, Top Shop and All Saints

They would consume media on technology like: Tablets (IPad) or on mobile devices like IPhones and Samsung phones. Using technology like this they would also play games and browse the Internet.

I also investigated how Bauer Media profiles audiences.

There are many different ways to profile audiences some include; socioeconomic, demographics and psycho graphics. Psycho graphic profiling is a way of describing an audience by their characteristics and personality, Young and Rubican created this to study audiences.

Here you can see how audiences can be segmented into socio-economic groups, the mains ones that we refer to are white collar workers, who are higher in management, in this table they would be A,B and C1. Then we would also refer to blue collar workers which are C2 and D.

Here we can see a visual representation of audiences from the Bauer Media website where we can see the gender splits for different magazines. We can see that the majority of the audience for Empire is male and the majority for Heat and Mother and Baby is female. But we can then see that it is an almost 50/50 split for the gender group of Kerrang. This is where movie distributors would see where they can advertise their movies. Romance movies would more likely to be advertised in Heat rather than Empire.

Image result for maslow hierarchy of needMaslows Hierarchy of needs is a system where once you fulfil one level of the pyramid you can progress onto the next level, this is through psychometric profiling for audiences where movie studios fulfil peoples needs when making a movie therefore focusing on more specific audiences.

Theodore Adorno has stated that the culture industry is providing False needs where the culture industry's are creating a capitalist system where they replace people's 'true' needs - Freedom, full expression of human potential and creativity, genuine creative happiness. Adorno suggests that the culture industries churn out debased mass of unsophisticated, sentimental products which have replaced more 'difficult' art forms which lead to people to question social life. This is what Disney do where they advertise by telling people they 'have' to see Beauty and the Beast through mass producing products through their horizontal integration of Disney stores.  Overall capitalism has made us think that we need to buy products due to the false needs that advertising gives us. However Beauty and the Beast have had $350 million of success due to the advertising of false needs.
Image result for beauty and the beast poster triptych

The BFI carry out exit polls to asses audience response to a film by analysing the different ages of audiences as well as the gender of audiences. Exit polls are carried out after a movie is screened in a cinema. We can see through these exit polls how people found out about the movie as well as why people stayed and watched the movie. This is called Baits to attendance where we see how people got brought into seeing the movie like, reviews or the stroyline interested them. Here we can see the exit polls from the movie Fish Tank by Andrea Arnold. We can see that the audience is made of equal amounts of  male and female as well as the majority of the audience being over the age of 25.

1 comment:

  1. You show understanding of how audiences are profiled by companies such as NME and Bauer Media, how different types of profiling and audience segmentation work; theoretical frameworks such as Maslow and Adorno; and how the BFI use exit polls to ascertain audience responses. You have created an audience profile for your film 'Contradiction' and have a clear idea of its tastes and habits. Good work, appropriately supported by evidence and illustration.
