Thursday 17 November 2016

RESEARCH: Deadpool (2016)


In the opening title sequence of Deadpool we see the usual 'Twentieth Centure Fox Presents' as well as 'In association with Marvel Entertainment' which is what movie openings and credits must show as well as other roles like actors, directors and producers. But instead we see actors names being read out as: 'Gods perfect idiot' and 'A moody teen'.  The genre of Deadpool is superhero and action and adventure movie. These genres usually caters towards younger audiences, even though it is for 15 and over, this means that this movie caters to older audiences because of the violence and bad language.

The opening scene consists of a car rolling over in the air, yet it is frozen, along with Deadpool, the antihero, who is fighting about four different bad guys simultaneously. We see the broken windows and many items floating, frozen in the air, for example: bullet casings, keys and a wallet with money inside of it. These items floating around and creating a messy scene create a sense of chaos although the whole scene is frozen in time which is not what we usually see in an action packed scene like Zombieland (2009) where we see lots of action through the movement of people as well as the movement of objects we don't see in the Deadpool opening. The whole of the Deadpool opening is CGI based as the whole of the scene is made out of CGI which is not usually found in many other opening action sequences, although the opening scene of James Bond: Spectre (2015) contains a lot of CGI, but in this opening sequence Daniel Craig is not made of CGI as well as the other people we see in it, unlike in deadpool where all of the characters we see in the opening sequence are made by a computer. But these characters you can tell are either the villains or the somewhat hero. You can tell the villains from the hero because of the clothing that they are wearing, we see the villains wearing all black clothing, one wearing a helmet which is a stereotype of the villainous antagonists 'goons' where they have no identity. Then we see the recognisable suit which is Deadpool's suit and we can easily differentiate the characters through colours. When we come out of the car from looking inside of it we see the whole perspective of the carnage that has happened. We end with one of Deadpool's child-like pictures floating in front of the chaos left behind, again showing of the main character's personality as a child-like, violent, anithero.

The soundtrack throughout the opening sequence is a calming vocal tune which contrasts with the chaos that we can visually see. This large difference in feelings adds to the comedy of the movie. The soundtrack also evokes the feeling of peacfulness and gentleness which is what it may seem towards the main character, due to his indestructability.

In this opening sequence we also see many references to many different things, for example we see the name Rob.L on a coffee cup which is a mention towards the person who wrote the original Deadpool comics. We also see a picture of the superhero Green Lantern which is another character that Ryan Reynolds has played in the past where he hated the costume as well as the movie, the reference to this is just to poke fun towards the people who created the Green Lantern movie.

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